Books and Media Donations Policy
Marriott Library Books and Media Donations Policy
The library is moving away from acquiring and storing materials—either by purchase or from donations – “just in case”. The books which our patrons ask us for are seldom the books which are donated. Our highest priorities are titles our users have specifically requested or items, like Special Collections materials, which we have a stated obligation to preserve. More options -- easily identified and delivered stock from book vendors, quick interlibrary loan, electronic books – now exist to quickly provide a title should it turn out to be needed.
The library’s ability to store donated material will figure into the decision to accept a gift. The library must effectively use time, money and space while considering indirect expenditures and opportunity costs.
Materials not needed for the library can still benefit the library by being sold.
These guidelines are for materials entering the library’s main collection, not Special Collections. These are based on usage and selection patterns, national obligations, and likelihood that any error in rejecting a title could be rectified if it was later decided that the title was needed.
- All items intended for the circulating collection must be in very good physical condition and will be screened using the donation form.
- The library will consider donations of books (hardbacks and paperbacks in all subjects) and audio-visual materials (CD’s DVD’s LP’s).
- The library will not consider the donations of journals and magazines, theses, dissertations, items in poor condition (water damage, mold, brittle, etc), items stored in poor conditions, obsolete formats, or out-of-date reference materials.
- The library may also decline a gift of material if storage space is unavailable.
- All donations must be screened using the donation form.
- If a donation is approved Shipping and Receiving will schedule and appointment to receive the donation at the library’s loading dock. Library personnel are not able to retrieve gifts from off campus addresses.
- Items located on main campus may be picked up by library staff.
- Donations to Special Collections materials should be referred to the department’s main number, 801-581-8863.
Revised 12/5/2019.
Revised and approved June 5, 2023
Ian Godfrey
Director of Library Facilities