Affiliate Library Use
University affiliation does not provide automatic access to University of Utah library systems due to the terms of our contracts with publishers and vendors. In rare cases, individuals with formal appointments such as “Visiting Scholar” may have term limited access. Library privledges and eligibility to use University licensed content shall cease when affiliation ends or is terminated.
The privilege of possible eligibility to use licensed content by persons external to the University of Utah requires annual verification through the University’s affiliate process.
More information regarding University Affiliation can be found in the University Procedure P5-207A: University of Utah Affiliates
All affiliations are initiated through University of Utah Human Resources.
University of Affiliates
Once formal University of Utah affiliation has been completed by HR, it is the responsibility of the sponsoring department to communicate all new affiliations to the library using this form. Please include the University HR letter of welcome and a detailed description of their role at the University and their production of University work. All new affiliation communications should also include the affiliate’s name, affiliate status, start date, and the expiration date issued by the University.
Library Operations & Protection Services